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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Anne Greenbaum

Sharing ClassicPholio

I have a classic website and want to be able to have non members view my photos. I've tried following directions in changing my contact info but no luck.
All help appreciated!

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October 23, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Anne, I may be misunderstanding your question. But once you have your gallery displayed on your computer, simply bookmark it and send the URL to your friend. For example, if you go to the little pancakes icon top left, then select My Betterpholio, then View Gallery. You'll see your gallery. Then, just copy/paste the URL.

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October 23, 2014


Anne Greenbaum
  Thanks Ken,
You are right that does work well, but not exactly a catchy URL!

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October 24, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Anne, you can embed your name in the URL; e.g., here's the link to my gallery, where I added "Ken Smith."

To do this, from same Pancakes icon, select "My Profile", then "My Contact Info." Go to the middle of the Contact page and add in your name in the Gallery Nickname; e.g., anne_greenbaum", or whatever you like.

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October 24, 2014


Anne Greenbaum
  Thanks Ken,
I tried this yesterday using 1 nickname which didn't work but using your suggestion did. Thanks for all your help

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October 25, 2014

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