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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Ian Downey

Others looking at my images

Firstly, I don`t have a Deluxe site.
My question is quite simple really and that is could I invite my daughter for example, who is not a member of BP, to look at my images in my Better Pholio site by way of sending her a URL address. It`s just she wants to have a look at them and select ones for me to print for her. Unfortunately we are separated by the sea thus she cannot look over my shoulder.
Thanks for any info.

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September 24, 2014

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Irene Colling
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  Ian anyone can see the pictures that you have on display in your gallery. Your daughter could bookmark your page and check out the photos at any time.

If you wanted to share pictures that are not displayed she would be able to see them via a url as you suggest.

If you wanted her to be able to see your un-displayed work easily (without sending her a url each time) you could give her your password.

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September 24, 2014

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