BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Heidi R. Geise

Viewing Photos

Really my question is about the website. I would like to be able to view photos in the order they have been uploaded. As more and more are uploaded I want to be able to view the one's I haven't seen yet. How do I do that?


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September 16, 2014

- Beth W. DeBor

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Beth W. DeBor
Beth W. DeBor's Gallery
  Heidi, when I log in to the website and click the "home" link, the newest photos that were uploaded are at the top. Then I just scroll down to where I left off. That's the only way I know to view new photos. Hope I helped but if not, maybe someone else with more experience on the website can help.

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October 03, 2014

- Lola M.

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lola M.
Lola M.'s Gallery
  Here is a link to a very helpful page explaining many things about the site.

When you get to the above help page scroll down to where it says
"How Do I Change My Home Page Preference?"

There you will find written instructions as well as a brief video explaining how to set your pages to how you would like them

Hope this helps.

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October 04, 2014

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