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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Inside Volleyball Pics

I have a canon 7d with a ef 70-200 f/2.8 L. I cannot get a good shot without the people and ball being blurry./Users/cindyprice/Desktop/IMG_6836.jpg/Users/cindyprice/Desktop/IMG_6838.jpg//Users/cindyprice/Desktop/IMG_6835.jpg

My daughter has a game tonight and I'd like to get my setting right.

I have them on tv/af 125/iso1000/al servo.

I've been taking them in the stands, but, do you think I need to get down on the court?



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September 16, 2014


Tiia Vissak
  Use a faster shutter speed (e.g. 1/500, 1/1000), remove the UV filter (or any others: e.g. the polarizer), get closer and if you can't get a great action shot, then try to take portraits etc.. Also, sometimes the auto mode will provide good results. Good luck!

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September 16, 2014

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