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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery

Difficulty reading text in new BP

Does anyone else have a problem reading a lot of the text on the new web pages? For example, when I come in, I can see "Better" and "Logged in . . . Proceed" across the top bar but not "". When I click " Better", I get to a page where I can read "Recent Contest Entries", "Sort by" and "View" easily but can barely make out anything else on the bar and can't see the photographers' names very well. IOW I can see the orange lettering but can only see the blue with great difficulty. If I go to my gallery, I can't see what's in purple - the camera makes or navigation words "next" or "previous" by the arrows at the top or the words "follow this photographer" by the little camera icon top left. When I'm viewing an image on a black page, I can't really see the favorites heart - took me forever to know it was there. Of course if I know it's there and run my mouse over it, it turns orange and I can read it easily. So obviously I can't see the dark gray on black, either.
Am I the only one with this problem - I have it in Photoshop and Elements and Facebook, too, wherever the designers go with a tone on tone look. And consequently sometimes it's ages before I know a feature is there and once I discover or stumble on it, it takes me a long time to really remember where it is if it's not something I use often.

And if you reply to this and I don't appear to have seen it, it's because I am still not getting any email notifications of responses to threads in the new version, even though I dutifully click "would like to be notified" each time I respond.

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September 07, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Nikki...I'm going off of memory but when I'm on my work computer, I do NOT see the little magnifying glass that's at the far right hand side, adjacent to the "Mail" icon. I can click to the right of the Mail icon to get the search to work, but it's only because I know it's there. I just can't see it. And I have IE 10 at work. There may be other subtle differences too..I'll try to do a screen capture from work, and compare it to my home computer.

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September 07, 2014

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  For me it's a matter of color. When the colors are too close together and there's not enough contrast, I just can't see them - or if I can, it's only with great difficulty. I see the magnifying glass fine - it's white on black. But though I can see the exclamation point which is black in an orange circle, I can barely make out the envelope next to it that indicates mail.

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September 07, 2014

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