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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Ed Lauderdale

BetterPhoto Member
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How does the "Score" feature work on the My Profile page work? How is the score determined?

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August 14, 2014


Kerry Drager
  Hi Ed,
Thanks for asking. According to Jim M., the "Score" will make more sense soon ... in other words, it's something intriguing that he has in the works. :) So stay tuned!

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August 14, 2014

- Ed Lauderdale

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ed Lauderdale
Ed Lauderdale's Gallery
  Thanks, Kerry. I'm tuned! I'm still not sure how work work's (my first sentence)!?

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August 14, 2014


Kay Beausoleil
  Hi Kerry -- will we be able to opt out of "score"?

I understand this might be a feature that's fun for many. But as a person who's retired from academic and work evaluations and isn't missing them, I'd cheerfully settle for zero.

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August 14, 2014

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