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Romen Vargas

Canon D30 1.6x multiplier effect

I have just purchased a Canon D30 (since it was discontinued and going cheap). I know all about the 1.6x multiplier effect and have read an article about it at:

Anyways I was just wondering if my 50mm lens is now a 80mm - Does the depth of field change?

Using my film camera - I focus my 50mm lens on something that's say 1.5m
away and I get a certain blur in background. If I now use the same lens on the D30 the 50mm becomes an 80mm lens. If I focus that on something 1.5m away do I get the same amount of blur in the background or is it more blur?

Cause technically its still a 50mm lens but the field of view is just different. (see the article I mentioned for more details)

Anyway I'm sure a BP member has a D30 and can answer my question. :)

thanks in advanced

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June 23, 2002

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