BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Questions

Photography Question - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery

What's your favorite new feature?

I know I have a lot of things to fix. Thanks for your patience as we get it all working.

But let's focus on what we have and love :)

What is your favorite thing about the new BP so far (there's a lot more to come!)


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August 09, 2014

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dayna Cain
Dayna Cain's Gallery
  I love the "Photo Show" feature. Very cool! I also like how you click on that little stack of pancakes and there is everything you need right there in one spot. I also love how everyone's photo's look on the new BP. This site has some of the most talented and highly skilled photographer's on this planet and just when I thought their photo's couldn't look any better you manage to make them just "jump" off the screen. Beautiful, clear, sharp amazing photo's with gorgeous color. I gotta tell you, I am loving this new and improved BP. Awesome job!

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August 09, 2014

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Once I got it figured out, it's pretty darn good, and given my usual resistance to change of any sort, I'm pretty amazed. If you could get the constant logging in fixed, it would be really great. You can't stay logged in at this point.
The only thing I see that I don't think is going to work, is the option for more than one entry to the contest in a day. It seems that you all have your hands full with the entries we have now.
Anyway, I love the new look of the site, and as Dayna said, the stuff all in one place is a big hit.

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August 09, 2014 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Thanks! The "Remember Me" should be working now. There may be one or two more issues with it. I'm hoping it will work fine now.

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August 09, 2014

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Jim, I haven't checked many of the new features just yet due to paucity of time, but do think the new BetterPhoto 2.0 is a much more professional looking site and more in line with the current trends seen in the cyber space.

It looks like lots of hard work has already gone into ensuring the above and some more work is needed to fine-tune the fledgling problems, which I am sure will be sorted out soon.

Kudos to you and your team BP. Thanks for taking on, what I think is, a huge initiative and bringing us some very refreshing much needed changes.


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August 09, 2014

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Nope, it's still not working. I've had to log in every time I got on this afternoon. I'm sure it's going to be fixed soon.

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August 12, 2014


Larry Smith
  Highlighted Comment: The new site appearance is great, very distinguished looking its gives you inspiration and get out there to be creative, I hope it brings back a lot of the old members. It took a little while to find all the features, people do not like changes and learn the new ways but this is worth it. The new enhancing of the photos adds a professional touch, great work Betterphoto.

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August 13, 2014


Dalne M. Dola
  I especially like the way the photograph appears with the black background and the "pancakes"! Thank you for the opportunity to provide thoughts to you along the way.

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August 13, 2014

- Natasha Pliss

BetterPhoto Member
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Natasha Pliss's Gallery
  Highlighted Comment: I can stay logged in now. Works perfectly. Love this "Logged in ... Proceed" feature. For me the most beautiful and desirable change is the black background for images. You finally read my mind, Jim! I always hated the white one. Thanks to this all the galleries look stunningly beautiful. The "Pancakes" icon with all its items is great and very convenient. So far I am not satisfied only with the way the other photographers galleries can be be found. It used to be very easy.
Congratulations, Jim and BP! The job is well done!

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August 13, 2014

- Cindy Bendush

BetterPhoto Member
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Cindy Bendush's Gallery
  Login still not working for me :-(

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August 14, 2014

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dayna Cain
Dayna Cain's Gallery
  Having the larger photo's to look at on the contest page is pretty awesome too. Great job BP!

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August 14, 2014

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