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Photography Question 
- Natasha Pliss

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No First Place Winner in People category?

Dear Judges, I do not see the People category among the First Place Winners. It must be a simple mistake but there are 2 Digital Darkroom winners (one is from the 2nd Place category). I hope you correct the mistake asap and make somebody very happy.

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August 01, 2014

- Natasha Pliss

BetterPhoto Member
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This screen print is just to illustrate my question.

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August 01, 2014

- Natasha Pliss

BetterPhoto Member
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Trying again.

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August 01, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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  I now see the first place photo for "People", and the two DD entries that say "tie." Except one has a 1st place medal and the other a 2nd. If it's a tie, I think both should be awarded 1st place honors.

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August 01, 2014

- Cindy Bendush

BetterPhoto Member
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  Hey - I have to agree! But then I'm biased :-)

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August 01, 2014

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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  Well, as Ken stated above thats fixed now, and its good to Know that both were given ties in the First Place Gold category.

However, I now see that the same image (Peony Bouquet in Digital Darkroom category) has been awarded the First Place AS WELL AS a Second Place Gold, which I think needs to be corrected by the judges.

Ideally speaking the next best image (from the Finalist scoring) should be chosen and given a Second Place badge in the Digital Darkroom category.

This would only make things fair and just. Hope the error is rectified soonest.


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August 02, 2014

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
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  Yeah, the Peony Bouquet photo getting a 1st place win and a 2nd place win in the same category is a mixed up piece of business. The photo is stunning, there's no doubt about that but once it has a 1st place gold shouldn't the 2nd place gold go to someone else? Does anyone know if this has ever happened before?

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August 04, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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  Dayna, I've seen other times when BP had a glitch in their contest buttons. I'm sure they'll get it fixed soon and replace Cindy's 2nd place photo with the next highest rated DD photo that didn't get a gold.

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August 04, 2014 - Jim Miotke

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  Thanks for pointing this out!


Val Feldman won Second Place in the Digital Darkroom category!

"Wildflower Dreamin'" is a gorgeous image and was delayed due to this bug in the software, but thanks to her fellow BetterPhoto members who alerted me to the issue... Val's photo is the next winner!

And you'll be happy to know that, after about 6 hours of programming yesterday, I fixed this - yahhoooooooo!

Congratulations, Val!

And thanks again Natasha, Ken, Usman, Dayna, and friends!

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August 04, 2014

- Val Feldman

BetterPhoto Member
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  Highlighted Comment: Love out-of-the-blue surprises and this sure was one! Thanks so much fellow Better Photo members for “nudging” Jim and his team to correct this issue and thank you Jim for sacrificing 6 hours (yikes!) of your Sunday to correct this problem to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

We write a lot about the “BP Family” we all enjoy here – the camaraderie and working relationship between it’s members and the BP team itself – one of the many reasons why Better Photo is so successful - if this isn’t a classic example of same, I don’t know what is.

I’m a happy camper today – thank you all so much!

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August 04, 2014

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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  Highlighted Comment: Well, Thanks so much for making the required changes, very much appreciate your time, Jim.

Lovely image and effects Val. Congratz!!!


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August 04, 2014

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
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  Thanks BP and congrats Val!!!!

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August 05, 2014

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