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Photography Question 

Arleen H. McDaniel

Why the color change with change of setting

  Biege Flower
Biege Flower
f/5.6 1/320 sec ISO-400
75-300mm at 205 mm Macro setting
Morning overcast day

Arleen H. McDaniel

  Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
f/8 1/60 sec ISO-400
75-300mm at 180 mm
Aperture Priority

Arleen H. McDaniel

I took a picture of flower with a macro setting and a AP setting and the flower changed colors from a beige to a yellow. Was wondering why

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July 28, 2014

- Bojan Bencic

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bojan Bencic
Bojan Bencic's Gallery
  Hi Arleen,

In basic modes (like macro or landscape) settings for color, contrast, white ballance and sharpness are adjusted automatically according to the traditional characteristics of the scene type. This is set by the manufacturer.
In "advanced" modes (like Av) you can and should choose those setting yourself.
Try playing with Saturation and Color tone settings in Av mode.

Hope it helps,


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July 30, 2014


Arleen H. McDaniel
  I will try that Thank You

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July 30, 2014 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I'd add -- specifically find out what White Balance was used by the camera, for the Av shot, vs. the macro shot. My guess is they'll be different -- such as Daylight for one, and "Auto" for the other, etc., which will account for a potential change in color/tone throughout the entire image.

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July 31, 2014


Arleen H. McDaniel
  I checked the WB and for macro the WB is set to auto and I cannot control, On the AP setting it said normal, but the setting on the camera showed Flash. This is a now camera for me and it is somewhat different then my Nikon. I still have a lot to figure out on this one, I do appreciate your feed back and thank you

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July 31, 2014

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Do you have the descriptions switched? I think on your macro shot, your camera used some fill flash. The picture where the flower is whiter, notice the dark part of the background. It shouldn't go from f/5.6 1/320 to f/8 1/60. The f-stop change should be closer to 1/125 or 1/180
The white balance tried to add yellow for the extra blue from being overcast. That's on auto. The whiter photo, fill flash will add daylight similar light. But flash tends to be slightly bluer than real daylight. So the white balance went to flash, to keep it from being too blue.

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August 01, 2014


Arleen H. McDaniel
  In Macro shooting it said standard setting and Default and the WB is not select-able in this setting,
Flash was actually set to flash in the ap mode. I have changed that to setting to sunlight and took some more of the flowers and the coloring seemed more correct in color to the macro shoot.
Thank you for you imput

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August 01, 2014

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