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Photography Question 

Virginia Kickle

mirrorless cameras

Has anyone had experience with mirrorless cameras? I purchased a Panasonic GX7 and a few lenses recently and am seriously considering using it as a replacement for my DSLR. I have been finding it increasingly difficult to carry my DSLR and lenses.

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July 06, 2014


Monnie Ryan
  My husband Jack got a Canon EOS-M for his birthday/Father's Day last month and loves it. Our daughter-in-law's brother has an Olympus Pen E PM2 and loves his as well, although he said now that he's seen the Canon he likes it a bit better. Jack also bought an adapter so he can use all the lenses from his Canon DSLR on the new one. It comes with an 18-55.

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July 07, 2014


Virginia Kickle
  Thanks for your response. I have been happy with my Canon 60D and lenses and I am struggling with the idea of replacing the DSLR system with a mirrorless system.

But so far, I am loving using the smaller, lighter camera.

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July 07, 2014

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