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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Natasha Pliss

BetterPhoto Member
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July Monthly Theme

July Monthly Theme is Photoshop Filters. I'd like to know if it means only PS own filters or any plug-in collection we can think of (Topaz, Nik, Alien Skin, etc.). Also it would be nice to know what kind of a filter(s) was used for every MT image.

Thank you.

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July 02, 2014


Monnie Ryan
  Good question, Natasha - I wondered the same thing.

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July 03, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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  I think a 3rd party plug-in filter like NIK, Topaz, Flexify, etc qualify as a Photoshop filter. Unclear if BP will clarify this. If not, I'll assume they are ok for theme.

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July 03, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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  Also, I don't view HDR or photo stitching as filters, even though they are part of Photoshop. I suppose it's a gray area.

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July 03, 2014

- Natasha Pliss

BetterPhoto Member
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Natasha Pliss's Gallery
  Monnie and Ken, thank you for responding. I hope BP will clarify this. If a 3rd party plug-in filters can be used, why bother with this MT? Everything can be put in the Digital Darkroom. But then again, it's good when you can choose from the 2 categories.

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July 03, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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  Natasha, I like "Photoshop Filters" as a theme, especially if folks say which filters they use, and/or how they used educational thing. If BP limits the theme to just those filters that come out of the box with Photoshop, then the judges will pass over a lot of the theme entries.

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July 03, 2014

- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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  They never clarify ...they always leave it up to our own interpretation :-) This one should be fun as I use lots of NIK and Flaming Pear filters...Glad we can resubmit stuff!

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July 03, 2014

- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
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Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  I was wondering the same thing! Unless BP clarifies otherwise, I'm going to assume plug-ins are okay.

Happy filtering everyone! :)

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July 03, 2014

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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  I am also with all of you and understand this month's theme to mean that any filters (Photoshop supplied or other Company plug-ins) are fine as long as they are used in Photoshop. There are other filters which are stand-alone kind and don't require photoshop.

Jill, allow me to disagree with your statement "They never clarify", I believe BP have responded to quiet a few times specially recently in the last few months. And I am hoping that someone will clear the fog in this case too.

Happy shooting all.


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July 03, 2014


Kerry Drager
  Hi Everyone,
A fine discussion here, and for everyone who thought plug-ins would be OK for this month's theme, you are correct :)

In fact, the July theme has just been updated to this:

Photoshop Filters and Plug-ins

Thanks for your interest in the contest, and have fun "filtering"!!

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July 03, 2014

- Natasha Pliss

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Natasha Pliss
Natasha Pliss's Gallery
  Thank you very much, Kerry! Great MT! Unlimited possibilities!
Happy 4th of July to everybody!

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July 04, 2014

- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Peggy Pfister
Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  Thank you, Kerry!
For those in the US, Happy July 4th, and a great weekend to all!

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July 04, 2014

- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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Jill Odice's Gallery
  Kerry, thanks for clarifying :-)

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July 05, 2014

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