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Photography Question 


Camera Filters

I am just a very basic picture taker (doesn't feel right to say photographer), but I would like to get some filters to play around with. I like taking pictures of sunsets and nature and also my kids. Any tips? I have a Nikon N-65.
Thanks for any advice.


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June 19, 2002


  Please go to They have a list of its product line and their usage. Another filter manufacturer like B+W is also very good ( For me, my basic filters consist of a curcular polarizer, a 4X graduate neutral density filter, an enhancing filter and 81A warming filter. Hope this helps.

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June 19, 2002


John A. Lind
In the same class as B+W is another German company, Heliopan:
The site is in German. If you aren't reasonably fluent in German photo jargon, you can use Babelfish to help translate it enough to get the gist of the text:

Yet another company I would class with Tiffen is Hoya. THK is the U.S. distributor of Hoya filters:

I have a number of filters, but don't use them that often with color films, usually its for some special effects in special situations. I often use a number of colored filters with B/W to adjust how shades of gray are rendered by various colors.

IMO, B+W and Heliopan are a notch better than Tiffen or Hoya.

-- John

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June 20, 2002


  Thank you both for the information and for taking the time to help me out.


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June 26, 2002

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