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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Portraits with eye glasses

I need help taking portraits of people with eye glasses and useing flash are there any good positions to reduce glare or ank little known secrets. thanks, Jim

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June 19, 2002


Tom Darmody

Have you tried bouncing the flash off the ceiling? You can also try a flash diffuser, bouncer, or one of those little soft boxes that fits over a flash. That should soften the light enough so that you don't get "hot spots."


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June 19, 2002


John A. Lind
Eliminating eyeglass glare can be a difficult problem, even in a studio. The lens surfaces are curved, not flat. One of the tricks is having the subject raise the temples where they pass over and touch the top of the ear to about 1/4 inch above the ear. This tilts the lenses downward slightly. This must be done carefully; raise the temples too far and it becomes obvious, both with the tilted lenses and with the temple noticeably above the top of the ear.

With on-camera flash, shoe or handle mounted, it can be nearly impossible to get rid of. Tom's suggestion of diffusing the light softens the glare some, and is better than doing nothing, but may not eliminate it entirely. Sometimes instead of a "head on" a 2/3 to 3/4 with the turned slightly can also help eliminate, or at least reduce it. Be cautious about turning the head (or changing camera angle) too much, or the glasses frame will cut across the eye.

In a studio, modeling lights on the strobes will show when there's glare. Again, camera mounted flash units don't have modeling lights making it harder to predict and it relies on some experience with subject (glasses) and camera angles.

-- John
[Who's getting better at eliminating this, but still not 100%]

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June 20, 2002

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