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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Is rerefrigeration of film OK?

I will be traveling from one place to the next and during the actual travel time I will not have access to refrigeration and I was wondering if it is safe to rerefrigerate the film once it has been removed from refrigeration already or if the film will be damaged by condensation.

Thank you so much for your help.

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June 18, 2002


Tom Darmody
  Sure, it's safe, but not really nessesary unless your film will be exposed to extreem temp changes.

If you do cold store while on your trip, let your film come to ambient temp before you use it. (to avoid condensation)

Cold storing is for the long term storage of film, to extend it's life and maintain consistancy. A couple of rolls of Velvia not cold stored for a few days isn't going to hurt it. Unless you leave it in the sun in a 130 degree car for a couple of days.


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June 19, 2002


John A. Lind
  Additional note:
Puting it back into the refrigerator is no problem. It's recommended! I've done this after not using all the film on a trip, and have had pro film out of refrigeration for up to a week while traveling. However, if you've removed the film from its sealed containers (35mm film from the plastic cannisters, or 120/220 from its wrappers) then put it into a sealed container as small as you can that will still hold it all before puting it back into the refrigerator. When you take it back out again, let it come up to room temperature before taking it out of the container. From a refrigerator, this is at least 40 minutes.

-- John

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June 21, 2002

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