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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Taking pictures of yourself

I often want to include myself into some nice pictures, but travel alone. I got the tripod, and so far that was my only "helper". But the problem is, I'm not sure that once I press the button and run in front of camera, everything will be focused correctly. So instead of me, being in the picture, there will only be some dark figure. What could I do? Asking others doesn't work, because they may not know how to behave with camera and it's hard to expect from them to include everything that you want into the picture, or to focus on the subject...

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June 18, 2002


  This is fairly simple if you use your tripod. Just put something, a bag, a stone, or whatever on where you will be positioned yourself and focus. If your camera has automatic focusing, turn it off after you focus. I also recommend using manual exposure control on your camera and use a small aperture (say f8 or f11 at least to make sure the image of yourself is sharp). Next turn on the timer and press the button. Hope this helps.

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June 19, 2002

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