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Photography Question 

Matej Hochel

What film to use?

Hi there! I am not quite sure what kind of film to use in this situation: I would have a model posing, with a black background, the speed set to B. From behind the model I want to move a flashlight (halogen torch) so that it would create some light treks of different colors (I will use a color plastic to change the color of the light). A friend of mind got good results using a slide film but I want to get prints. I donĀ“t know whether to use a daylight film (+filter?) or a tungsten. What film is good for a halogen light source, especially in this situation? What kind of color shift is to be expected with different films?

Thanx very much. Matej

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June 18, 2002


Jon Close
  I'd just use daylight film without a filter. I don't think halogen light has as pronounced an effect as tungsten or flourescent. Since you'll be using colored filters on the light source it won't really matter anyway. Plus the lab can correct color shifts when printing.

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June 18, 2002


John A. Lind
  Halogen lights are "tungsten" and are closer in color temperature to studio tungsten "hot" lights than 60 Watt household light bulbs which are much warmer in color temp than tungsten studio lamps.

Bottom line in this case . . . as Jon mentions . . . is using colored "gels" over the flashlight makes color balancing moot. For this project, it won't matter. With daylight films, expect a slight shift toward yellow-red, but not much, and blue filters over the flashlight likely won't work very well. The human brain doesn't do much color correction when colored gels are used, so what you see will be close to what you get.

-- John

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June 21, 2002


Matej Hochel
  Thanks to both of you. I will have the first try this evening. Bye, Matej.

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June 21, 2002

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