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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

The BetterPhoto Contest

Why do you allow multiple entries of the same photo in the contest? It seems like it would be easier to sift and judge single entries.


(p.s. - I love looking at the pictures and seeing ordinary things in an extrordinary light... gives one a whole new perspective on the small wonders that are around us.)

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June 17, 2002 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
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  Hi Kathy,

Thanks - I totally agree about how fun it is to view the winning photos. They are truly remarkable - I am happy to say that we have many talented members at BetterPhoto.

We allow one entry per day from each contestant, primarily intending this to allow each member to enter multiple - but different - photos. While some people reenter the same photo, most people enter a new photo each time.

We don't prohibit contestants from re-entering a photo in a subsequent contest because sometimes a photo will be passed over one month (due to the competition) but be selected as a winner the next month.

When a contestant reenters the same photo over and over again in the span of one contest, all but one are ignored by the judges. So it is true that this practice doesn't help the contestant's chances and gives the judges more work to do. But is it a price worth paying if it allows contestants to re-enter a photo in a subsequent contest.

That's about as clear as mud but all the same, I hope it helps :)

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June 20, 2002

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