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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Contest Categories

For the purpose of contests,what exactly constitutes a landscape, scenic or nature photography.

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June 17, 2002


John A. Lind

This can vary greatly by contest, especially the "landscape" definition. Ask 50 photographers what a "landscape" is and you'll get 50 different definitions. You will need to read the complete rules for a specific contest to see if there is a definition. If there aren't any, then ask for a clarification from the sponsor/organizer of the contest. If, after all that, you don't get a very clear answer, then take what clues you can from the entire list of categories. The only time I've seen "scenic" used is when there's no separate categories for landscapes and architecturals and they are lumped together under that name. Also, if you can view a prior contest from the same organizer or sponsor, then look at what is in each of the categories. This can also give you an idea of how a particular contest categorizes the photographs.

Example 1:
If there is both a landscape and an architectural category, then they make a distinction between photographs that are mostly rural and "of the land" and those that clearly celebrate the shape and structure of a building, statue, or monument, etc., rather than the land on which it sits. Admittedly, some can be difficult to classify.

Example 2:
Nature usually refers to "fauna" or animals, domestic and wild (not people). Plants would normally fall under a "flora" category and there is usually one for each. If each doesn't have its own category and there's only a "Nature," then it may include both flora and fauna (i.e. living things other than humans).

Hope this helps a little.

-- John

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June 18, 2002

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