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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Complimentary Colors

What are the three complimentary colors used in color printing?

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June 16, 2002


John A. Lind
Two questions suspiciously like quiz or test questions . . . hmmmmm

While the three basic layers in color negative film that are sensitive to light respond (chemically react) to blue, green and red (from top layer to bottom layer). However, when color negative film is developed, these three layers produce yellow, magenta and cyan. These three colors are the complementary (or negative) colors of blue, green and red, respectively.

Print materials are a type of film. In making a print, you are photographing the negative with a special type of camera called an enlarger. "C" type color print materials used for printing color negatives are much like color negative film in emulsion structure. It is also a type of color negative film with the emulsion usually on an opaque paper base. Opaque, translucent and clear mylars or other types of plastics, and even glass, are used as base material for special types of prints, but the most common is a type of opaque paper. They print emulsion also has three basic emulsion layers that respond to blue, green and red. When the print is developed, these also produce their respective complementary colors of yellow, magenta and cyan. Since the color negative is a complementary (negative) image of the subject that was photographed, and the print is a complementary (negative) image of the film negative, a positive image results on the print. In other words, making a negative image of a negative creates a positive image.

-- John

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June 16, 2002


Diana Kotlyar
  You must be applying for a job at a Ritz Camera store. I am too, and these two questionsa are on the application. Thanks!

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October 23, 2002

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