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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 


How do I shoot a sunset at 8PM in the evening?

Twice I have tried to shoot sunsets, and twice I have been unsuccessful? Received my prints back today, and no picture.

Do I need to shut off my flash or take off the UV filter? What is my problem?

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June 15, 2002


John A. Lind

Shut off the flash!

I'm guessing at 8PM (unless you're in northern Alaska) that that sky has interesting illumination and color, but the ground has little (it's dark or deeply shadowed alread). If you can, lock exposure on the sky and then compose your image in the viewfinder. Your ground will be dark, and may be completely sihlouetted, but you should get something in the sky. Removing the UV filter won't help your exposure.

-- John

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June 16, 2002

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