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Photography Question 

Pocholo Ignacio

Zoom Lens and Camera Shake

How do I avoid camera shake? I just read that the average person can safely hold a camera without noticeable shake at 1/60. I am using a Nikon F80 with Tamron 28-200XR. I also know that when you zoom into your subject, all elements are magnified, thus camera shake becomes more noticeable.

Here's the question. At 28mm, I assume my minimum shutter would be safe at 1/60. What about the other ranges of my lens? Is there a rule of thumb here or some kind of guideline? When I'm at 35mm, what should the shutter speed be at? When at 50mm, what shutter speed? This is of course handheld. Thanks in advance!


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June 11, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  The rule of thumb is the shutter speed should be the reciprocal of your lens focal length to safely handhold. IOW if you are using a 50mm lens then the reciprocal of 50 is 1/50 (1/60 is the closest to that on most cameras). If you are shooting at 200mm then 1/200 (1/250th). Of course this is just a rule of thumb. You may find that you have a steady hand and can get away with slower speeds. Or you may be a little shakier than the average person and need faster speeds. But it's a starting point.

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June 12, 2002


Pocholo Ignacio
  Thanks a lot Jeff. It all makes sense to me now.


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June 12, 2002

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