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Photography Question 

Piper Lehman

Using the Bogen Super Clamp

Ideas for super clamp shots:

1. Attach your $5,000 camera and Bogen Super Clamp to the end of a golf club in swing at tee off. Better use a protective filter for this one...

2. Position your camera with Super Clamp attached to the underside of your SUV. Hang on tight to the car's axle as you click the shutter by remote cable (you can't afford a wireless remote after paying for the repairs from the golf incident). Shoot in multi-frame mode as your driver manages to hit every rain-filled pot hole in the road at high speeds.

3. After your release from the emergency room, "borrow" a wheelchair or other mobile device from the hospital supply department. Attach what is left of your camera to one of the wheels as your friend drives you up and down hospital corridors at break-neck speeds, maneuvering amongst various hospital personnel. Trip your shutter with cable release long enough not to get tangled around the wheels. Don't forget that FLD filter--lighting is harsh and green in most hospitals.

4. Attach your new camera and Super Clamp to the chain of a swing at your local park. Pay a dumb looking kid to be your model and proceed to push the kid hard enough to go ALL the way around in one direction. Get model release from any adult willing to sign after swinging kid is found in tree across the street the next day.

5. Attach camera to bars of jail cell door and release shutter as the door is slammed in your face.

6. Lastly, take your camera to court and shoot candids of the judge as he hands down your sentencing. These will likely be the last photographs you ever take, so don't scrimp on film.

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June 06, 2002


Tony Peckman
Is there a question in there somewhere?
So what's your take on the Super Clamp? Is the clamp 'crazy' awesome and can be used for any situation? Or, has someone got to be crazy to purchase one of these dudes?
"I gots ta know!"

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June 13, 2002


Piper Lehman
  No question -- just thinking out loud. Yes, the Super Clamp is awesome. Not expensive at all (unless you opt to accessorize with the Magic Arm), and you'd be crazy not to try it. Got mine at B&H for under $50 (two pieces). Check it out.

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June 13, 2002

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