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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why Photos are Almost Entirely White

I have a 2 year-old Pentax Elfina T-- a small, APS camera with a little zoom lens. I have been primarily using Kodak Advantix 400 film, but recently also used some Fuji film.

My last three rolls of pictures, using both Fuji and Advantix 400, have contained several photos in which some, though not all, of the images are almost entirely white with a very small section of the image appearing at the bottom. Others look as if the image is behind a white mist. On this latest roll, 9 of the 25 photos are almost entirely white and 3 are misty. The rest are just fine. Some are taken outside, some inside, some in hot weather, some not. It seems random-- one is good, one misty, one good, one white, one misty, several good, six white, and so on...

The problem seems to be worsening.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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June 05, 2002


Piper Lehman
  Hi, Billie. Sounds like you might have a light leak somewhere in your camera. Take it to a camera store or fix-it shop and ask them to take a look at it. Bring along some of your problem shots. This will help them identify your problem easier. Light leaks are no fun. If this is what you have, you'll probably need to buy a new camera, but sometimes these things can be remedied depending on the damage. Generally, it's cheaper just to buy a new camera--repairs can be expensive.

I would also suggest writing down exposure and all other settings and shoot info throughout an entire roll. This might help pinpoint when and why you're getting some good shots and some bad.

Hope this helps.

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June 06, 2002

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