BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Questions

Photography Question 


What is Overcompensation on my Camera?

How would I take the course on Beginning Photography, and how would I pay for it on the internet. It is $195.00.

What text would I have to buy for this course?

Do you accept the Discover card?

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June 03, 2002


  I used the wrong term. The correct term is exposure compensation. What does it do. I have it on my ST/SI Minolta 35mm maxxum QD?

Question 2.

Should I keep the flash on all the time when shooting pictures indoor and outdoor? My Kiss Photo book said it is better to keep it off, and use the natural light from the window or ambient light outdoors?

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June 05, 2002 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
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  Hi Howard,

You can sign up for the course by clicking on the "Sign Up!" button at top and bottom of the course description page.

We do accept Discover cards. You do not need any required textbooks but you might enjoy combining the course with my book, The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Taking Great Photos.

Exposure compensation allows you to slightly nudge the exposure so that your picture is a little brighter or darker. This lets you get a good exposure even when the camera's automatic meter doesn't do the best job evaluating the scene. There is an art to using this feature.

I would definitely not leave the flash on all the time. The reason is that the light is very harsh and tends to blast your subject (making it look unnaturally bright white). We talk about this more in one of the lessons in the Beginning Photo Course.

I look forward to having you in the course!

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June 12, 2002

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