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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

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I have always loved taking photos of amazing places I've been lucky enough to vosit in the past using a SLR camera. I have now purchased a medium format camera, but now I have the illness M.E. - this means I can't go out very often and learn by my mistakes. What is the best medium format publicationor web site to point me in the right direction so I can maximise my time and learning?

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June 03, 2002


doug Nelson
  I think that the principles of exposure and composition are the same no matter what the format. Jim Miotke's book is a good place to start. You can buy it on this web page.
Steve at uses medium format as well as view cameras and SLR's. Steve is dealing with handicapping health problems too, and chooses to help people like us using his excellent web page. Also see for truly inspiring photos and a wealth of information.

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June 04, 2002

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