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Photography Question 

Bob Irwin

Quality between digital and scanned film

I own a Fuji 6900 and an epson photo printer but I am disapointed with action shots on the Fuji shuter lag EVF freez while aiming at action etc apart from this I am happy with the quality.So I would like to sell Fuji and get something within my buget like a Canon EOS 300 + film scanner of around 2700DPI but before Ido this would like to know if the quality is better or worse than a 3.3 MP Digicam. I usualy print A4(11x8) size prints and only A3 sometimes
thanks Bob

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June 03, 2002


doug Nelson
  The kind of resolution we're talking about here is somewhere near the same. If you want to be exact, look up the longest pixel dimension your digital camera can give you. It will be somewhat less than 2700 pixels, but not much less.

In my opinion, I think you're doing the right thing for what you seem to be shooting. I don't use autofocus, but I surely would if I shot a lot of action such as sports. I can't afford a state-of-the-art digital SLR, so, for me, shooting film with the best optics I can afford, then scanning the negs or slides with a film scanner works best. Sure, I'd love to have a new 4000 ppi film scanner, but, like you, I seldom need prints larger than about 8 x 10.

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June 04, 2002


Bob Irwin
  Hi Doug
thanks for your promt reply I think I will trade in fuji for second hand EOS body of some sort and lenses in August I will purchase film Scanner quite like the look of Minolta they do one at 2900DPI and has ICE etc and comes with photoshop elements.I,m away to the Alps on my bike begining of July so will get camera quite soon so I can get used to it.
thanks again

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June 04, 2002


John A. Lind
I will emphasize a subtle point Doug made in his reply:
" . . . with the best optics I can afford . . ."

As you look for a camera body and lenses for it, pay attention to the lens optics! For me, they have clearly been the most important part of the camera system.

-- John

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June 05, 2002


Bob Irwin
  Hi John
thanks for the advice re lens I went into my local store today and was quite impressed with a second hand Canon EOS 5 (I think it is called something else state side)it comes complete with Canon USM 28 to 90mm lens and I am trying to swing a deal for the Fuji with 75 to 300mm put in hopefully without to much money passing from my pocket to theirs.
thanks again

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June 05, 2002

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