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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

using print film

i'm going to the US in sept,and I will be taking both slide @ print film.
Can I get the same saturated colours with Fuji Reala as with Sensia slide film and will Ineed to underexpose the print film?

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May 28, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I don't use either of those films but as a general rule if you want to get more saturated colors from print film you do so by overexposing it. After all print film is just the opposite of slide. What you do to slide will give you just the opposite effects with print. Underexpose slide and get saturated colors. Underexpose print and you get muddy muted colors. Overexpose slide and you get washed out colors. Overexpose print and you get snappier colors and more contrast.

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May 29, 2002


Sajeev Chacko
  is it so jeff that overexposing a negative gives more saturated colors which is exactly the opposite of slide film. I never new this. well, then do you mean that I should PULL the negative film and PUSH a slide film. or just overexpose a negative by a stop or two. could you please elaborate a little more on this.


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May 31, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I wouldn't pull the negative. Pulling negative film actually reduces contrast and makes the images a little flatter. Simply rating the film a stop or two below normal will punch up the color and give you a little more contrast. Pushing slide film is a good way to boost saturation and contrast. For example I like to shoot Velvia pushed a stop. It gives it even more saturated colors and more contrast. It works very well under low contrast conditions.

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May 31, 2002

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