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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lenses for the Nikon F100

Soon I will be buying the F100 and I wanted to get some opinions on the choice of lens. I`ve always travelled with one zoom (Sigma 28-200) but a friend has recommended that with the F100, I should really be maximizing it`s potential by buying a better maker also, I was looking at the Tamron 28-300 and it was suggested I should divide the ranges up into 2 lenses if I wanted to go to 300mm.
Q#1 Is there a valid reason for my friends disgust in my Sigma 28-200 or is this just an example of Photographer`s snobbery?

Q#2 Is the new Tamron 28-300 a good quality lens or should I really be dividing up the ranges?

Currenty, I am by no stretch a professional and will probably not be throwing all my photos into contests around the globe. I am simply interested in making photos to capture special moments, people, scenery, etc.

Thanks in advance.

Sean K.

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May 28, 2002


Jon Close
  The lens is much more important than the camera body in determining picture quality. I can't see a reason why someone with your stated experience and photographic goals is considering a $1,000 pro body and a marginal quality all-in-one zoom.

If it were my money, I'd spend a lot less on the body, getting say an N65 or N80 (if you must go with Nikon), and spend a lot more on good lenses.

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May 28, 2002


Val G
  I use Canon equipment. About a year ago I purchased the Sigma 28-200. I kept trying to find a reason not to like this lens but have found it to deliver clean, crisp results that are at least as good as my Canon lenses. The autofocus on the Sigma is slower than the Canon lenses, but this hasn't been problematic for me so far. So far I have been very impressed by the Sigma.
V. Gabriel

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March 09, 2003


Donamari T. DAndrea
  During a trip to the photo store, I commented that I purchased my Tamrom 28-200 with in a week of the 28-300 release. The answer I got is that the 28-200mm lens is a better one. I've had great success with the Tamron, if that helps at all.

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June 29, 2003

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