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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Centering Pictures

I take pictures and keep cutting off the heads I have the subject centered inside the yellow square in the viewfinder but samething cut off the heads. I recently did a whole roll of still shots of doll babies and guess what NO HEADS! HELP I'M FRUSTRATED!

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May 26, 2002


Jon Close
  By "yellow square in the viewfinder" I'm assuming you are not using an SLR, but a point & shoot camera. You are experiencing parallax error. The viewfinder and camera lens are physically separated by a couple inches. What you see in the viewfinder is not exactly the same scene the lens will record. There is very little difference when your subject is 10+ feet away, but as you found there is a big difference in close-up shots of your dolls.

Your viewfinder may have parallax error lines that you should use to frame a close subject rather than filling the entire viewfinder.


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May 28, 2002

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