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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

up rating

i want to experience up rating and down rating. How can I do it and what are the effects I can get. thanks

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May 22, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I'm not exactly clear by what you mean by (up/down) rating. Rating a film is not the same as pushing/pulling it. When you rate a film at a lower ISO you will overexpose it and vise versa when you rate it at a higher ISO. The effects for negative film when rating lower are increased saturation and contrast. When rating negative film at a higher ISO (not recommended) you get muddy low contrast images. For slide film the results are just the opposite. Overexposed slide film (not recommended) is washed out and lower in contrast. Underexposed is more saturated and higher in contrast.

Now if your intent is to push or pull the film you get a whole new set of results. Pushing (rating at a higher ISO and processing longer) negative & slide film results in higher contrast and grain. Pulling film (rating at a lower ISO and underdeveloping) typically reduces contrast. Pushing is useful when the light is low and you don't have faster film, under low contrast conditions when you want a little extra pop to your images, or when you want to add a little grain for texture. Pulling works well when you are shooting under high contrast lighting and you want to compress the contrast range a bit.

Hope this helped.

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May 22, 2002

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