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Photography Question 

Sreedevi Swaminathan

Color Correcting Prints Using Filters

I've been searching everywhere including the online Kodak store for this. I know it exists, but I don't know where to find the filters you can use to view prints so you can see how to color correct them. I think they come in all six colors with values of 5 points and 10 points and they're 8x10 sheets. Can you help me with who makes these and what exactly they're called so I know where to find them. My eyes start to lose their perception of color after staring at a print all day long.


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May 22, 2002


Jon Close
  I think you're looking for Kodak Wratten Color Compensating (CC) and/or Color Printing (CP) filters. I don't have any more info.

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May 23, 2002

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