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Photography Question 

Amie Kyte

How Do I Stop the Blur?

Shot auto mode, no flash (Blurred)

Amie Kyte

I have a Canon G2 and am loving most of the photos I get with it. I'm completly new to digital and also to the many options on this camera. When in an auditorium or gymnasium the lighting on my pictures is much better when shooting without the flash, but I almost always end up with a blurred picture, even without a lot of action. Would an external flash help this situation? I've tried different shutter speeds and aperture, but I'm not getting anywhere.

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May 21, 2002


doug Nelson
  Read your owner's manual very carefully. Of all the digital cameras you could have bought, I think you made a wise choice. This camera is quite capable of stopping action. Look for a mode that lets you use fast shutter speeds, 1/125 sec or faster. Maybe another reader who has a G2 can help us here.

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May 21, 2002

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