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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

how to shoot something comming on television

I would like to take a photograph of some thing comming onn tv, eg. I have a family video and I would like to take a picture of something in that movie. Can I do it with an ordinary point and shoot camera and an ordinary film?

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May 19, 2002


Jon Close
  The tv screen refreshes every other line 30 times a second. To get a single frame of video and not a partial or blank screen, you need to be able to set the shutter speed to 1/30 sec maximum and 1/15 second ideally. On a point & shoot where you cannot directly control the shutter speed, try shooting with slow film, ISO 50 or ISO 100. You also have to be able to shoot without the flash.

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May 20, 2002

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