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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Mark Carter

Moisture On Lens

Having just returned from Mexico, a problem I encountered frequently was moisture forming on my lens every time I took the camera outside, due to the high humidity.

I wiped the lens with a soft cloth each time, but upon inspection of the lens it looks to be scratched. What is the correct procedure for getting rid of this moisture? And how noticable will this small scratch be on my pictures?

As always many thanks for any replies.

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May 19, 2002


Paul E. Mergele
  I think you are experiencing simple condensation problems. It happens on a cold beverage glass too. In the winter, when I was coming in from the cold I would enclose lens & body (separatly) in zip-lock bags until they came up to the same temperature as the house. Leaving the a/c to hot outside does the same. The condensation can get inside equip. as well. The bags are cheap & it works..hope this helps. The scratch? I think you have to make that call..take some pics..

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May 25, 2002

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