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Photography Question 

Angelique Pugh

Taking pictures at evening sports events

I am trying to take pictures at an evening softball game. I don't want to use the flash because of the distraction to the players. I have used 1600 sp. film and the pictures are blurry. I tried changing the mode to Shutter Priority Auto, and I adjusted the shutter speed to one my camera would accept. The pictures were too dark. What would you suggest?

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May 17, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  What are you metering? So much depends on knowing how and what to meter. Do you use a tripod or monopod? Are you shooting color or b&w? How fast is your lens? With more info we can provide you with more accurate suggestions.

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May 18, 2002


Angelique Pugh
  Metering? I haven't reach that point. Still just playing around with the settings. Very new to this. To answer the other questions. No tripod. Shooting with color film. Not sure the speed of lens. My camera is a Nikon N60. The lenses I am using are the standard Nikon 35-80 MM and the Tamron 100-300 mm. I am also using a tamron 1.4x converter. The modes I have tried to shoot in are the sports mode and the Shutter-Priority Auto( the camera selects the aperture ? and I select the shutter speed). I hope this will help

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May 18, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  First of all if you're really serious about getting good shots I would suggest buying a book on exposure. The "modes" on cameras can only do so much. Without knowledge of how exposure works it is a hit and miss proposition. Try to take your meter readings off of grass that is in the same light as your subject.

I'm guessing your lenses are in the 3.5-4.5 max aperture range and once you put a 1.4x converter on there it slows them down even more. If you can get close enough I would avoid using the tele-converter. A tripod will help get the field and other stationary objects (players standing in the field) sharp but won't do much about players in motion. You can try pushing the film a stop but C41 tends to get ugly when pushed. Other than that you could try black & white film. There are a couple of very good high speed b&w films out there (Kodak Tmax P3200 and Ilford Delta 3200).

Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions or need any clarifications.

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May 19, 2002

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