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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Picking the right lense.

My family and I will be going to Maine this summer and I will be shooting alot of wildlife. I have been looking around the internet and found two lenses. One is a 800mm -1200mm Kalimer and the other is a Phoenix 600mm -1300mm
Now my question is whats the difference besides the obvious, and are they good off brand lenses. I am totally lost when it comes to this so all help I can get would be helpfully.

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May 17, 2002


Tom Darmody
  Don't waste your money. Those off-off brand camera lenses are very slow and poorly made. Have you ever seen a photo taken with a 1300mm lens? Im guessing you're on a realatively tight budget? If that's the case look for a Sigma 400mm APO f5.6 and a 1.4 teleconverter (allthough you more than likely will not even need the TC). You can pick up a used one for $250-400. Check B&H, KEH, or eBay. The 400 APO at 5.6 is slow, but not nearly as slow as the lenses you mentioned. If you want fast on a budget try a Tonkia 80-200 ATX f2.8 with a 1.4 teleconverter. You can pick up the Tonkia used for about $500.

Stay away from the "super Zooms," yeah they're cheap but your end image quality is going to be crap. You get what you pay for.

Good luck,


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June 05, 2002

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