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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Nikon N80

Okay, I just got my first SLR, a Nikon N80. I know nothing about cameras, and have lost my instruction manual. I would like to know if you could let me know the settings to use if I want to shoot with my n80 as if it were a "point and shoot." I'm in the process of ordering another manual, though plan on some sight-seeing in the meantime. Any help would be greatly appreciated... thanks!!!

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April 29, 2002


  Hmmmm, I own a F80 too. To take pictures "simply", just leave it in the programmed mode "P" on left dial. But not to be rude, you should rather spend the money on lenses rather than the camera. This is not quite a point and shoto camera, it has a lot of potential when used the right way with good lenses. Anyways, have fun :-)

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May 01, 2002


D Hill
  I love my N80. I figured out the point-n-shoot part. Now I want to know more. I've read manual but it's totally lacking - I read it as often as I can hoping that one day I will figure out the rest of it!?! But please...someone tell me how do I get it to display BULB so I can do time-lapse night sky pictures please!?!

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June 09, 2002


Pocholo Ignacio
  To D.H.

It shouldn't be difficult to set your camera to BULB. Just adjust your shutter dial 'til it displays BULB. Anything longer than 30 seconds would be your bulb setting already. Try this: Set your camera mode to MANUAL, then adjust your shutter dial. If you see the setting 30", the next setting should be bulb. Hope this helps.

Good Luck!


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June 09, 2002

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