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Photography Question 

Paul Judy

Macbook Pro Series

I'm considering upgrading from a MacBook to a MacBook Pro series. My current MacBook just doesn't have enough juice to run HDR software, Lightroom and CS5. Other than "buy the most expensive one you can afford" does anyone have a suggestion on which machine I should buy to handle these applications??


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March 03, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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Chris Budny's Gallery
  I just saw that the new MacBook Pro's were announced recently... I'm running an older MBP, that I purchased in summer 2009; 15" w/ the 2.54 processor. I do all my photo editing on it, including CS4 and Photomatix. Given that it replaced an even older Windows laptop, I've been pretty happy with it. (I recently doubled the RAM to 8gb however, and it made a little improvement in the time to process Topaz filters on large files---didn't see a noticeable change on HDR times, however.)
If you're set on a laptop, you should go handle the 15" and 17" models... they are kinda heavy, relatively speaking, and very wide. I can't imagine my former weekly commuting, and regular vacationing with the 17"---the 15" is right at the limit of what I like to haul around on trips, but the 13" seemed too small a screen for so much photo editing.
Then, you can simply go with the fastest processor and most RAM your budget allows. ;)

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March 04, 2011


Paul Judy
  Thanks Christopher...I'm leaning toward the 15"...I agree the size is right at the limit of what I'm willing to haul! The 13" model is a really convenient size but a little small for editing.


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March 04, 2011


Kevin Kopchynski

You might want to look at Other World Computing to see if their extra RAM is more economical than ordering it from Apple. Also they will have a video to show you how to put it in.

Good luck,


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March 08, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Ditto Kevin's---I got my RAM elsewhere and installed it myself. Apple is beyond ridiculously overpriced for RAM.

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March 08, 2011


Paul Judy
  Thanks Kevin and Christopher...I think I'm going to take the plunge this weekend. Appreciate the advice about the memory.


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March 08, 2011

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