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Menage a Trois Editor's Pick  
Menage a Trois
Menage a Trois
This morning I got up early and took my walk around Charlestown Meadows and just had to go into the marsh to see how my momma praying mantis was doing. It was very chilly this morning - maybe 45 degrees. I found her in her usual spot and with her was her lover. They were sound asleep, he with his head on her shoulder. I ran back to the house and got my camera. Ran back to the praying mantises and started taking a few photographs. And then.... I noticed not just two heads, but THREE!! All were asleep and so peaceful. Truly for the time being all is well in their world.

Kitty R. Kono - Randall V. Rainey

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Randall V. Rainey
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Very neat capture of these wonderful bug eaters, Kitty. Love it... A FAV

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September 19, 2020

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