Photo Discussion
Category: Before and After

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The GREEN Room Editor's Pick  
The GREEN Room
The GREEN Room

This was actually a hallway leading to PhillyCam's (Channel 66) "Green Room." It was the public access TV station's grand re-opening celebration and reception in the heart of Philadelphia's Center City.
The hallways are all painted in brilliant saturated colors, and this one was no exception: Retina-tickling CHARTREUSE!. I loved the photo, for reasons I don't understand, but the chartreuse actually HURT my eyes. So I toned it back to what you see here. Also had to remove an arm, hand, and cocktail from her back and elbow. (Not HER arm, hand, and cocktail).
(Original image--after cropping--appears in the discussion area.)

Michelle Alton



Michelle Alton


Michelle Alton

The original will explain why the main photo is entered into "Colors of Spring."

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April 13, 2012 - Karen E. Michaels

Contact Karen E. Michaels
Karen E. Michaels's Gallery
  GREAT judgement, Michelle!
I love this candid.
BTW, pretty funny...BP in my garden.

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April 13, 2012


Danny B. Head
  I agree that this and yesterday's post are nice candid shots. I really like what you did with pulling back on the colors. It really works well on both these images.

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April 13, 2012

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  I like the vertical expanse of the wall with the photos..nicely done, Michelle!

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April 13, 2012 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  Great capture and processing Michelle - Outstanding job!!

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April 13, 2012

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Both are pretty cool~ Whose idea was it to paint a wall that color, I wonder!!

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April 13, 2012


Antonio Amen
  Nice, very good, like the tones.

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April 13, 2012

- Gail Sullivan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gail Sullivan
Gail Sullivan's Gallery
  The subdues colors really add artistic impact to this expertly composed capture, Michelle!

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April 13, 2012


Monnie Ryan
  I'm definitely a primary colors kind of person, but I, too, can do without that awful lime green! Terrific job!

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April 13, 2012


Mike Clime
  Excellent portrait and tones, Michelle! Wise choice on toning it down.

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April 13, 2012


Donna La Mattino Pagakis
  Nicely seen, great timing and tones!

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April 13, 2012


John Connolly
  Nice compposition and excellent darkroom work, Michelle! You did a good job with this one!

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April 13, 2012


David Phalen
  Fabulous work Michelle!!

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April 13, 2012

- Ann Coates

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Coates
Ann Coates's Gallery
  That sure is a bright colour. Isn't green meant to be a relaxing colour although I don't know about this shade of green. Certain colours make us behave in certain ways, so I believe. Anyway, a fabulous shot here Michelle. I'm always fascinated with how good a job you do with your cloning.

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April 14, 2012


Connie J. Bagot
  This photo really appeals to me---I find myself studying the young woman over and over again. I also really like what you did with the colors.

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April 14, 2012


Jean-Pierre Ducondi
  This is really fantastic Michell. A winner.

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April 15, 2012

- Patricia A. Casey

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Patricia A. Casey
Patricia A. Casey's Gallery
  Michelle....amazing transformation of the original into the submitted on your page....wonderful PS cleanup....thank you again for sharing your great story and the work you did on the photo!

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April 17, 2012


Dennis Gay

My heartiest congratz for the EP.

This could probably be under the "Photographer's Photograph" banner.
The desaturation is a reall winner, (especially after seeing the original) and you have caught the woman's concentration very well indeed.
You are quite correct when you indicated that this photograph has that "something".


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April 18, 2012

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Nice pose and great color you ended up with Michelle.

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April 18, 2012


Lori Carlson
  YES! I agree! THERE IS, "something" about this shot, Michelle!! Worthy of the works you did on it!! Very cool!! =)

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June 21, 2012

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