Photo Discussion
Category: Before and After

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Can we come in?

  Can we come in?
Can we come in?
Canon 40D, Tamron 18-270mm lens,

Beth Spencer

  Miss Supervisor
Miss Supervisor
She is not sure she is going to let us in!!

Beth Spencer


Beth Spencer

This is suppose to be for Dale's Challenge. Actually we finished the bedroom and I just wanted to show the new floor and paint. I just need to hang some pictures.
Thought I would also add the supervisor's picture.

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February 19, 2012


Sue C. Cole
  Nice room! She looks a little hesitant about letting you two in those doors. I think she is saying, this is my room, look but don't become too comfortable. Nice perpective.

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February 19, 2012


Jeff E Jensen
  Nice work on the room!

I've got a couple of them hear that you are welcome to come and work on. . . .

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February 20, 2012


Aimee C. Eisaman
  That's awesome you have a door to the outside on the bedroom. Is it to an enclosed deck? Nice job on the room. Tile is an interesting choice for a bedroom...most ppl do carpet. Any reason for the tile or just because you like it? Good idea for the challenge and a great smile! :~)

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February 20, 2012


Beth Spencer
  Thanks! We pulled our old carpet up it was gross! I am trying to get rid of all the carpet in the house, the dogs are staying and it is much easier to clean. This tile was on sale for a Fantastic price, so we decided to do that. Our bedroom is on the second floor and there is a small deck off of it.
Yes the little black dog, Miss Harley is the official boss dog!!

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February 20, 2012

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  welll you nailed the challenge and I love that we got to see the inside perspective also...! your room looks wonderful, but be careful with wet feet and don't slip. Miss Harley definitely looks like she the boss. she is the one that was showing her teeth in the last image

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February 20, 2012


Debbie E. Payne
  Great idea, B9th -- we get to see your unique perspective, you and your dogs and part of your home. Maybe that could be a challenge down the line. Showing some favorite part of our house with us in the photo, making it a self-portrait as well. But only if Dale runs out of ideas
PS - I like your room. We want to see the photos you choose to put in there.

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February 21, 2012


Joan E. Hoffman
  Great idea, and love your tiles! We just did the same thing in the 5th.... in addition to a bunch of other stuff. We had to leave carpet on the slides, and chose to leave it on the 6 inches of floor space in the bedroom.... but I agree.... so much cleaner..... and now, we have all the fun of watching the kittens mis-judge stopping time LOL!

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February 21, 2012


Carla Capra Anderson
  Beautiful room. love the tile. An excellent challenge image.

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February 21, 2012


Beth Spencer
  Thanks everyone, and oh by the way, when we went to buy the paint we walked pasted the flooring and found gorgeous hardwood on sale, so it is stacked in our front room and that will be the next project. I am still hunting stuff from this one.
I will let you all know when we decide on the pictures..

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February 21, 2012


Dale Hardin
  Nice job on the room, and the photo, and the challenge, Beth. Have never seen a bedroom with three doors before.

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February 21, 2012


Peter W. Marks
  So what is this, 'Homes and Gardens' week; DIY magazine, or Dale's Challenge? A bit of everything here Beth :0) Well done

Tiles on the bedroom floor; now that is different! I wouldn't want to have to get up urgently in the middle of the night I don't have any slippers!

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February 22, 2012


Beth Spencer
  Thanks Dale and Peter. Dale, the third door is to the closet which is a walk through to the bathroom.
Peter, the floor may be a bit cold, but if you get up urgently I think it will keep you moving!!

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February 22, 2012

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