Photo Discussion
Category: Before and After

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s t i l l n e s s Editor's Pick  
s t i l l n e s s
s t i l l n e s s
including the original...

duplicated image/moved top layer up to add more fg/
cloned away distractions/flattend image/duplicated again and stretched enough to remove the pole beside the tree/cropped/applied lens distortion/NIK filters/added clouds/3 different textures/a touch of the digital Orton/USM... Thanks for Looking :)
Have a Wonderful Day!!

Datha Y. Thompson


Datha Y. Thompson


Datha Y. Thompson

original after RAW conversion

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October 04, 2011


Joy Rector

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October 04, 2011


Katrina McMeans
  Beautiful work, Datha!!! Gorgeous, warm colors and lovely processing/editing. This image makes me so happy!

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October 04, 2011


Marcie A. Fowler
  Excellent digital processing and fabulous final image.

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October 04, 2011

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Wow! That's a lot of work! Great result, though. :-)

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October 04, 2011


Patti Coblentz
  ...and voila, a very beautiful work of art! You put a lot of work into these gorgeous images and the results are magnificent, Datha...this is outstanding!!

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October 04, 2011

- Dr Silly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dr Silly
Dr Silly's Gallery
  Awesome DD work. :O)

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October 04, 2011


Stephanie Frey
  Stunning, Datha!

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October 04, 2011

- Melinda F. Schneider

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Melinda F. Schneider
Melinda F. Schneider's Gallery
  Incredible work; very impressive!

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October 04, 2011


Michelle Alton
  A superb work of artistry, Datha.

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October 04, 2011


Katarina Mansson
  Creativity and beauty joined superbly!

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October 04, 2011 - John Rivera

BetterPhoto Member
Contact John Rivera
John Rivera's Gallery
  Fabulous work!!!!

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October 05, 2011


Chastity Abbott
  You are an amazing artist.....

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October 05, 2011


Donna La Mattino Pagakis
  Artistic and beautiful, great colors and textures Datha!

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October 10, 2011

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