Photo Discussion
Category: Before and After

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Cleomes by Monet Editor's Pick  
Cleomes "by" Monet
Cleomes "by" Monet

Shot this yesterday in the midday sunshine just outside my neighbor's living room. It was pretty, but not exceptional (see remarks section). Buzz would be too passe but looked more interesting. Then I remembered Dynamic Auto Painter (DAP). I set it on "Monet," selected a bright color palette and "let 'er fly!"

[A digital darkroom entry]

Michelle Alton

  Cleomes Buzzed by TOPAZ
Cleomes Buzzed by TOPAZ


Michelle Alton

Almost untouched.

Michelle Alton


Michelle Alton

Two other versions...

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August 07, 2011


Bob Jones
  Beautiful flowers ... ones I have never heard off before ... love both rennditions

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August 07, 2011


Neal D. Hatcher
  Wow-What a masterpiece-Is your last name
Alton or Rembrant

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August 07, 2011 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  Wonderful capture and treatment Michelle!!

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August 07, 2011


Gregory R. Gaskin
  I like them all but the Topaz is my favorite.

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August 07, 2011


Mike Clime
  That filter sure made a difference and it turned out great, Michelle!

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August 07, 2011


Anita Hogue
  WOW, I absolutely love it, Michelle!

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August 07, 2011


Jack Gaskin
I am AMAZED by how easy it is to PLUG in a MASTERS name and you get the effect...
Feel as if I AM STUCK in the DARK AGES AT TIMES.
That however would be a GOOD PLACE FOR MY GENERAL ATTITUDE but now I digress !!!


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August 07, 2011


Ron McEwan
  I am Johnny come lately this morning Michelle. I swear I was looking at a greeting card, this is exceptional my friend. Bet we see it again.

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August 07, 2011

- Patrick Rouzes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Patrick Rouzes
Patrick Rouzes's Gallery
  WOW, I agree with Neal! This is a Masterpiece that should be framed & hung for the world to see, Michelle! WTG, indeed!

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August 07, 2011


Kaye Burazin
  a beautiful artistic expression Michelle

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August 07, 2011


frank w. degenhardt
  I think the original was beautiful, but now that you did the transformation, I can see that you took that beauty and kicked it up to a much higher level. It is amazing what can be done to a photo with the various software out there. This painted look is certainly worth having. A beautiful painting my friend.
Have yourself a wonderful day.

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August 07, 2011

- Bonnie C. Lackey

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bonnie C. Lackey
Bonnie C. Lackey's Gallery
  Isn't it fun to have such choices! You should also enter the others.

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August 07, 2011


Renata Gusciora
  Beautiful work and pastel colors,Michelle!Wonderful effects!

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August 07, 2011


Kay Beausoleil
  So delicate and, yes, Monet-like. A great choice of effects, Michelle. How creative of you to use it on this perfect subject!

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August 07, 2011

- Ann Coates

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Coates
Ann Coates's Gallery
  I like all your versions. The effect you have created with the Monet filter works really well. Very pretty image indeed.

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August 07, 2011


Jeffrey R. Bange
  Beautiful capture Michelle, your talents on the computer are only rivaled by the stories/history that you include with each of your photos.

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August 07, 2011

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Uh oh. I think you need to enter them all! :D They are each beautiful in their own ways!!!

This is an excellent reminder that I MUST get my PSE7 hooked back up on the new lappy. I miss my funny business effects! HeeHee...

I'd say this one is serious business in the BP beauty contest.

-Laura :D

P.S. I left a reply on today image if you want to come back for a peek.

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August 07, 2011


Barbara Waldoch
  Wonderful work, Michelle!

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August 07, 2011


Linda Blair

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August 07, 2011


John Connolly
  Nice digital work here Michelle! I agree with Laura, you should enter them all!

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August 07, 2011


Debra R. Harder
  Amazing DD work, Michelle!! Love the pastel colors and superb treatment. A beautiful work of art! Deb

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August 07, 2011


Judy Foxworthy
  Beautiful effects, Michelle! Great to see the same photo shown using different treatment.

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August 07, 2011


David Phalen
  An excellent capture made beautiful by tour DD work!!

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August 07, 2011


Ray Thoms
  Great image and like the effects applied Michelle!

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August 07, 2011

- Heather Loewenhardt

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Heather Loewenhardt
Heather Loewenhardt's Gallery
  All versions are beautiful Michelle. I really love the artistic masterpiece you created. Your work is inspirational.

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August 07, 2011 - Terry Cervi

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Terry Cervi
Terry Cervi's Gallery
  This really turned out great, Michelle. it's just beautiful.

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August 07, 2011

- Reynaldo D. Reyes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Reynaldo D. Reyes
Reynaldo D. Reyes's Gallery
  Thanks for showing the changes Michelle, so lovely and absolutely inspirational. Very beautiful work and I'm sure the judges would agree!

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August 07, 2011


Kathy Reeves
  Monet would be proud!! Excellent work!

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August 07, 2011


Rona L. Schwarz
  Kathy took the words right out of my mouth, Michelle! Monet would indeed by proud! What wonderful DD work - this filter really turned this already technically excellent image into a work of art! I have never heard of it before so I just went to check it out. Pretty impressive!

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August 07, 2011


Ian M. Hill
  A lovely effect Michelle,Iam sure Monet would be proud too.

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August 07, 2011

- Robert K. Bemus

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Robert K. Bemus
Robert K. Bemus's Gallery
  A great subject/comp and a BEAUTIFUL image, Michelle...

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August 07, 2011


Kirsten Kiki Kjaer
  I must say the Monet effect is marvellous, Michelle. He was always my favorite painter and this is such a lovely image.

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August 08, 2011


Phyllis H. Burchett

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August 08, 2011

- Emile Abbott

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Emile Abbott
Emile Abbott's Gallery
  Just like the Masters painting. All are exceptional Michelle.

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August 08, 2011

- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jill Odice
Jill Odice's Gallery
  Wow! You have turned an OK image into a masterpiece!

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August 08, 2011 - Deborah Lewinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Deborah Lewinson
Deborah Lewinson's Gallery
  Lovely capture with outstanding effects, Michelle, you've created impressionistic magic!


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August 08, 2011

- Mary Beth Aiello

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mary Beth Aiello
Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery
  Oh, I think we'll see this again, Michelle. Brilliant work on this. Truly gorgeous.

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August 09, 2011


Kathleen R. Struckle
  All of these images are beautiful.

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August 09, 2011

- Mitch Spence

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mitch Spence
Mitch Spence's Gallery
  Gosh, I haven't looked at that in a long time. I'm not even sure I have it installed at the moment. You did it up just right with it and you chose the perfect image for it, which, of course, you saw perfectly to begin with.

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August 09, 2011

- Ann Varley

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Varley
Ann Varley's Gallery
  Jumping on the bandwagon here to applaud your work with all the others. It's all been said above, so let me just add my enthusiastic "DITTO!"

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August 10, 2011


Datha Y. Thompson
  Gorgeous!! :)

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August 11, 2011

- Sherran Andersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sherran Andersen
Sherran Andersen's Gallery
  Very pretty Michelle.

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August 23, 2011

- Cindy Bendush

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Cindy Bendush
Cindy Bendush's Gallery
  Dreamy summer image with exceptional treatment Michelle!

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August 24, 2011


Ross Throndson
  Gorgeous work !

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August 30, 2011

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