Photo Discussion
Category: Before and After

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Last Shell Dispatched Editor's Pick  
Last Shell Dispatched
Last Shell Dispatched

At the culmination of the Washington Crossing Re-enactment on Christmas Day, the Artillary Group had fired the last round (my ears were thankful) and were cleaning the cannon as a comrade walked by. Few spectators remained. Hip-Hip Hazzah! HIP-HIP HAZZAH!
Well, the guys were having a good time, and the soldier standing by the tree was laughing. So I had to rearrange his lips! (see comment area).

Michelle Alton

  This is Better than Dirt!
This is Better than Dirt!

Young boys love playing Soldier almost as much as they love DIRT!

Michelle Alton


Michelle Alton

He was having a great time at the end of the re-enactment. See his smile?

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December 28, 2010


Ellen Hodges
  Super capture, Michelle!!

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December 28, 2010


Douglas Pignet
  Simply a beautiful capture

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December 28, 2010


Marilyn Cornwell
  Good catch, Michelle! Great image!

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December 28, 2010


Gord MacEachern
  It looks better that he is not smiling for sure Michelle, well done. Boys love explosions of any size or shape .
When I was young, grade school age, we could go to the five and dime, no age requirement, and as long as we had the money we could buy "fire crackers", some called cannon crackers looked more like dynamite, Oh what fun we had lol..

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December 28, 2010


Robert R. Goodman
  Hi Michelle,That is beautiful.This is the kind of image I would like to do.Excellent capture!!!!

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December 28, 2010


Jack Gaskin
  Lovely capture feel like I'm there.

Boys NEVER GROW UP... We get older sometimes wiser but we NEVER EVER GIVE IN COMPLETELY TO that DIRT WORD "" MATURITY "" ...

Happy Shooting

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December 28, 2010


Ron McEwan
  234 years ago, even as big as that tree is in the background, it wasn't there at the time. Boy we have come a long ways. And it was their spirit and many that followed who have made this country what it is today. I am enjoying this series of great shots and history Michelle job well done for sure.

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December 28, 2010 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  Fantastic capture of them enjoying what they do Michelle! Jeff

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December 28, 2010

- Linda D. Lester

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Linda D. Lester
Linda D. Lester's Gallery
  Well it!

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December 28, 2010

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Super!! Great series!

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December 28, 2010


Jack Ryan
  Outstanding image...interesting subject plus excellent comp, color and clarity...very well done.

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December 28, 2010


  Hip Hip Hazzah!!!

Fabulous work Mickey

Great PoV
I feel I am in the middle of the action!

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December 28, 2010


Monnie Ryan
  Zowie colors and terrific composition, Michelle -- another one well done!

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December 28, 2010


David Phalen
  Another excellent addition to your series!! Fantastic job wiping the smile of the face of the middle soldier!!

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December 28, 2010


Tiia Vissak
  a great scene!

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December 28, 2010


Aimee S. McMaster
  ...Melly said what I was thinking...feels like you're there! Great shot Michelle!

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December 28, 2010


Rony Sagy
  Wonderful capture, Michelle.

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December 28, 2010


Mike Clime
  Great action shot and nice transplant on the lips, Michelle! I still like playing in the dirt!

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December 28, 2010


Michelle Alton
  Mike just reminded case anyone wants to know how I "did" the lips, it is NOT a swap or transplant. I used the Liquify filter in Photoshop to slightly downturn the corners of his mouth. Took about 10 seconds!

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December 28, 2010


Kaye Burazin
  What a fun attraction to attend. Love the characters. You captured them perfectly.

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December 28, 2010


Renee Doyle
  I think everyone had a good time!!! Wonderful timing and capture Michelle!!

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December 28, 2010


Marijana Fajgl
  I love all this series, Michelle!

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December 28, 2010


Barbara Waldoch
  Terrific capture, Michelle!
Thank you for the birthday wishes :-)

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December 28, 2010


Gina Cormier
  So cool!!! Love the comp!!

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December 28, 2010

- Randy D. Dinkins

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Randy D. Dinkins
Randy D. Dinkins's Gallery
  Great series (I take it all this was before the blizzard of 2010, I mean 1776? :-)....

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December 28, 2010


Tammy Espino
  Another fantastic capture in your series :)

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December 28, 2010


Rona L. Schwarz
  Fantastic series, Michelle, with wonderful commentary, as usual! You've done a superb job capturing it all with great detail and clarity - they actually do look like they are enjoying playing soldier!

Hope you didn't get buried too badly this weekend! But I'll bet it was great shooting...

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December 28, 2010 - Agnes Fegan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Agnes Fegan
Agnes Fegan's Gallery
  Great image Michelle...and I also love what you did with the lips!

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December 28, 2010

- Robert K. Bemus

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Robert K. Bemus
Robert K. Bemus's Gallery
  Great capture, color and group portrait, Michelle!! Nice work on the lips...that must have hurt...haha

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December 28, 2010


william r. griffin
  nice story telling shot!!!!!

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December 30, 2010

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