Photo Discussion
Category: Before and After

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Chung Wah Weckherlin

- Chung Wah Weckherlin

BetterPhoto Member
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Sorry folks,
Elena has highlighted that the color was over saturated and I agree with her.
This is the improved version. I have accidentally deleted the earlier version, forgetting that all the threads to it were all taken off!
Chung Wah

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November 30, 2010

- Chung Wah Weckherlin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chung Wah Weckherlin
Chung Wah Weckherlin's Gallery
  Hi all,
It's me again! Wanted to add that this was taken in November 2009 when we were visiting Cuba and when my photography was almost zero then! This is a "as it" image, not cropped. Sadly I only have this version.

My earlier attempt - where the color was "off" - was to re-create a lack luster look but apparently it didn't work.

I am thankful that I have all you folks helping to better my learning curve.

Chung Wah

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November 30, 2010


Elena Eder
  Hi Chung Wah,

I actually somehow saw both earlier in the day, and I do like the second one better!!

Thanks for trying!

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December 01, 2010

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