Photo Discussion
Category: Before and After

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Storm Coming (For you, Jack!) Photo Contest Finalist   Storm Coming (For you, Jack!)
Storm Coming (For you, Jack!)
8/23/10, DD. Dedicated to Jack Ryan, because I am sure this is one lighthouse photo that he will not have in his collection! This is Pemaquid from the other side- the shore down from the little restaurant. I had a cloud in another photo that I thought was shaped like a funnel cloud, so I inverted colors and shaped it into a tornado. I will post that photo as a "before". I also found lightning brush to use in PS. I also changed the sky, since it was sunny at the time and darkened the whole scene.

Carol L. Fowler


Carol L. Fowler

Here is cloud before it was a tornado.

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August 23, 2010 - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Tammy M. Anderson
Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery
  Beautifully created, Carol. Excellent work. I'm sure Jack will love it.

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August 23, 2010


Jack Ryan
  Love it? Absolutely!!! I have not been to Pemaquid when the sun was right to shoot from this perspective...but in about 3 weeks, I will be there to try again...but even then, I am sure that I won't be able to shoot anything like this beauty. Thanks for thinking of me...very much appreciated. What a wonderful the POV...absolutely outstanding work. Into my favorites gallery...!!!

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August 23, 2010


Ron McEwan
  I know Jack spent some time with this one. Beautiful work Carol, outstanding piece of art work

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August 23, 2010


Gord MacEachern
  This is just so incredible Carol, a real wall hanger!!
I hope we have the pleasure of seeing this Art piece again!!!!

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August 23, 2010


Robert R. Goodman
  Hi Carol,beautiful treatment.Like the lightning bolts.Great capture,I hope to capture some lightning tonight!!!!!

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August 23, 2010


John Connolly
  I have had very limited success with lightening shots Carol! I don't think I have the patience or the reflexes!
A wonderful capture and weather feature image, well done!

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August 23, 2010


Monnie Ryan
  Wow! An awesome image, Carol! I love it too!

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August 23, 2010


Barbara Waldoch
  Beautiful shot, Carol!

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August 24, 2010

- Val Feldman

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Val Feldman
Val Feldman's Gallery
  A fantastic reconstruction and a unique view of this oft-photographed happy not to see the pool with the reflection in it! :) That tornado looks real enough to scare the pants off me and love your lightning bolts...very realistic...I'm running for cover! Superb, dramatic shot with excellent pp room effects! WTG, Carol!

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August 24, 2010

- Patrick Rouzes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Patrick Rouzes
Patrick Rouzes's Gallery
  Absolutely exceptional in each & every way, Carol! This deserves to be seen again , my friend, & Good luck! WOW, indeed!
Also agree with Gord!

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August 24, 2010


Karen Celella
  Wow Carol! This is quite an impressive creation!

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August 24, 2010


Carol L. Fowler
  Thanks everyone! Comments appreciated!

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August 24, 2010


Rona L. Schwarz
  Wow indeed! Marvelous creation, Carol! I was going to ask how you did it until I read the description - now I am even more impressed! Unique treatment of this lighthouse and fantastic storm reconstruction. Bet we see this again!

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August 24, 2010


Marty Straub
  What a wonderful photo to start with, and then your talented creativity went to work on it and made it a better photo. You are surely one of my favorite artists, Carol. Always amazing work.

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August 25, 2010

- Kathy Salerni

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kathy Salerni
Kathy Salerni's Gallery
  Wow, what a stunning creation of Pemaquid Light, Carol! A winner for sure!

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August 25, 2010 - Terry Cervi

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Terry Cervi
Terry Cervi's Gallery
  Awesome work, Carol!

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August 26, 2010


Nadia Paul
  Fantastic DD work on this wonderful image Carol!

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August 26, 2010


Liz blahh
  Great image!

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August 27, 2010


Carol L. Fowler
  Thanks for the comments

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August 27, 2010


Nancy (Peaches) Harker
  FANTASTIC image Carol!

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August 27, 2010 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  Outstanding capture and digital work Carol! A wonderful take on this classic lighthouse!! This would make a great cover for a book!! Jeff

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August 28, 2010


Howard B. Cheek
  Awesome Carol..I can see this published one fine day. Get it out there!! :)

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August 28, 2010


Renata Gusciora
  Very dramatic!Carol!Incredible mood,awesome work!

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August 28, 2010


Ellen Hodges
  Truly awesome and beautiful work, Carol!!! A big WOW!!!

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August 29, 2010


Phyllis H. Burchett
  Exceptional work Carol!

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August 29, 2010


Carol L. Fowler
  Thanks everyone!

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August 29, 2010


Nancy (Peaches) Harker

HUGE CONGRATS on your AWESOME finalist!
Best of luck in the next round!

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September 15, 2010

- Sherran Andersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sherran Andersen
Sherran Andersen's Gallery
  Congrats Carol.

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September 15, 2010


Nadia Paul
  Congrats on your wonderful finalist Carol!

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September 15, 2010

- Stefania Barbier

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Stefania Barbier
Stefania Barbier's Gallery
  amazing... congratulations!!!

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September 16, 2010

- Patrick Rouzes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Patrick Rouzes
Patrick Rouzes's Gallery
  Carol, you cleaned house this past month, my friend! CONGRATULATIONS once again!

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September 16, 2010


Phyllis H. Burchett
  Congrats (again) Carol!!

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September 16, 2010


Rona L. Schwarz
  Knew we'd see this one again, Carol!! Bet we see it once more - in the Winner's circle!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!

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September 17, 2010

- Guy C. Crilly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Guy C. Crilly
Guy C. Crilly's Gallery
  Well done, congratulations.

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September 18, 2010


Julianne Bradford
  Amazing Carol! What a great composition!! Cool dedication to Jack

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September 19, 2010


Carol L. Fowler
  Thanks for the comments! Appreciated!

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September 21, 2010


Rod Partington
  Amazing image Carol!
Excellent DD work.

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September 24, 2010

- Shelly A. Van Camp

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Shelly A. Van Camp
Shelly A. Van Camp's Gallery
  OMG Carol.....I love this so much!! Beautiful capture and DD work....Can you explain how to use the brushes in PS? THANKS!

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September 26, 2010


Carol L. Fowler
  Shelly- go to
This site has lots of different free brush sets you can download and add to your brush set in PS. Lightning brushes were under the Nature category.

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September 26, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  OUTSTANDING Carol. This is HUGE on the WOW factor!

Huge congrats! Well deserved!


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September 28, 2010


Andre Larose
  Beautiful gallery Carol!!

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November 06, 2012

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