Photo Discussion
Category: Before and After

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Being Selective Editor's Pick  
Being Selective
Being Selective

Just Like In Any Cutting Edge Laboratory

How Fun Using The Lasso Wand In
PSE7. I Was Able To Take
An Ordinary BG, Apply Heavy DDR
While Leaving The Face Relatively Untouched By Effects.

* * *
PSE7 Smudge, Fractalius, Wand, Curves.
TV 1/30, AV 2.8


I'll Add More To Show You!

Laura E. Swan

  Just A Picture Of Me.
Just A Picture Of Me.

Laura E. Swan

  See The BG?
See The BG?

I "+" Lassoed The entire Image Then
"-" Lassoed The Face/Torso.

This enabled me to manipulate the BG and not the person.

I used "Swirl" on it in the effects area.

Laura E. Swan

  This One I Just Changed The Hue
This One I Just Changed The Hue

I preferred a pastel Range To Match
The Bandanna And Sweater I Had On!

I almost entered this image tonight instead.

Laura E. Swan

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery

* * *

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July 14, 2010

- Amanda J. Tanner

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Amanda J. Tanner
Amanda J. Tanner's Gallery
  Wonderful work Laura! I like the effects you added to your portrait. You are so creative!

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July 14, 2010


Stephen Zacker
  Creative and unique sp

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July 14, 2010


Gord MacEachern
  Hope it didn't hurt Laura LOL..
Very creative, well done!!

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July 14, 2010 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  Great job with these Laura! Jeff

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July 14, 2010


Douglas Pignet
  I too like the final one...Very nice work

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July 14, 2010


Monnie Ryan
  Well ouch -- but the result is worth it, Laura! Cool!

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July 14, 2010


Tiia Vissak
  very original!

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July 14, 2010

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Irene Colling
Irene Colling's Gallery
  You look so happy and content to be surrounded by such a riot of joyful color.

Oh course your final image is nice because you had a lovely model to work from.

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July 14, 2010


Ruth E. Foster-Lindsay
  Fantastic Laura! Your creativity and originality is wonderful! You rock!

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July 14, 2010


John Connolly
  Your darkroom technique is stunning Laura! This is a brilliant presentation, my mind boggles with what you could do with CS5!!!

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July 14, 2010


Tammy Espino
  You are so awesome here and so talented!!! :) Keep up the great work, Tell Ron hi from Vegas when he gets there~

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July 14, 2010

- Reynaldo D. Reyes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Reynaldo D. Reyes
Reynaldo D. Reyes's Gallery
  One of the joys of digital photography is having the freedom and flexibility to be creative and you've done a wonderful job here. Wonderful mind you have Laura!

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July 14, 2010


Carol L. Fowler
  Wow- love the hibiscus and BG!

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July 14, 2010


Wm Nosal
  Cool Images!

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July 14, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Hi Everyone! Huge smiles here. I so much enjoy your feedback. Imagine what it would be like if we werent on this terrific club. No one to pat us on the back. WOW! Sure is encouraging for me and I thank you VERY MUCH!

You inspire me to try new DDR! :)))


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July 14, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  WE HAD A GREAT VISIT WITH RON AND SHIRLEY! We will see them again in a few days. I will surely tell them when I see them again, Tammers! :)))) Just getting here and didn't see your message.

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July 14, 2010


Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna
  You got to meet Ron and Shirley? They drove within 6 miles of my house and didn't know it. They promised to stop the next time they came through! Remind them for me when you see them...Okay?
BTW. Fantastic DDR work on this image! :-) k

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July 14, 2010

- Patrick Rouzes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Patrick Rouzes
Patrick Rouzes's Gallery
  A unique, creative & lovely portrait of the beautiful Swanee! You have beautiful eyes, Laura! WTG, my friend!

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July 14, 2010 - Ann H. Belus

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann H. Belus
Ann H. Belus's Gallery
  Wow, Laura, you are a creative genius...this is amazing work!!!

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July 14, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Kitty! WOW! Right by you. SAD! Like my QUADS image last week! We just dont know sometimes right? The cave can be right under our feet!!! Well, I know they will love meeting you one day...and Dale and I have sure loved meeting THEM!

Thanks, too! These were fun to make!


Paddy, you are as sweet as God made them! Thanks so kindly my Canadian Brother! :D


Hi Ann! WOW! Creative genius??? Who do I make the check out to? I feel I owe you for that wonderful comment. :)))

I love Art Photography. Thanks for enjoying it with me.


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July 14, 2010


Kirsten Kiki Kjaer
  And here I was thinking that you were a fairy - when in reality you are a MERMAID! A Mermaid rising from the sea it seems. FANTASTIC work, MSSLala.

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July 14, 2010


Dick W. Wyatt
  Very Creative !

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July 15, 2010


Jean-Pierre Ducondi
  Great creativity.

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July 15, 2010

- Stefania Barbier

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Stefania Barbier
Stefania Barbier's Gallery
  fantastic work, beautiful!

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July 15, 2010


Ron McEwan
  What can I say that would out do what all that has been said about this fantastic piece of work. I have had the privilege of meeting and knowing the hospitality that goes with the star here. I see that you have a heart as big as the Canadian Rockies. See ya soon

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July 15, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  A Fairy? A Mermaid rising from the sea?

WOW! This is better then COFFEE! HEHE!

Thank you so much SSSKiki, Dick, JP, Stef and RON!

Ron, our privilege, too! I bet you guys enjoyed your drive into Switzerland VERY MUCH yesterday after you left. I smiled for hours thinking about it. HEY! I AM STILL SMILING! HA!

So Glad You Guys Are Here! CANADA'S ROCKIES AWAIT YOU! Yes! See you soon!

Thanks again everyone!


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July 15, 2010

- Shelly A. Van Camp

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Shelly A. Van Camp
Shelly A. Van Camp's Gallery
  Beautiful....I need to learn this but can't figure it out!! LOL

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July 15, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Do you have PSE7? I can teach you! :)!!!

Thanks Shelly!

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July 15, 2010


Renata Gusciora
  Wonderful work,fabulous effects,very creative,Laura!

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July 15, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Thank You Renata! Loved Your Finalists This month!!!


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July 15, 2010 - Denny E. Barnes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Denny E. Barnes
Denny E. Barnes's Gallery
  You are sure having fun with that PSE7. Very creative and beautiful work here, Laura! Tell Ron Hi for me. Hope they get to do and see everything they want. I know we had a long and cold winter. Is there still lots of snow in the lower mountains there that might be a problem for them? I know the summer is short in the parks.

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July 15, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Hi Denny! You know...Banff is a funny place...It's mostly FLAT driving, of all things! You are SURROUNDED by HUGE ROCKIES that make you feel really small. Once you leave Alberta for B.C. the Rockies USED to be pretty tricky driving! But now they have the new super highway through there and it's not so bad if you go that route...Ron and Shirley wont be driving that way.

I hope there is some snow in the Rockies still for them as it makes for beautiful shots...but I dont think they will hit much while driving..MAYBE in Lake Louise? Jasper maybe, too? MANY times we get snow camping in June...

Thanks so much for the visit, Denny!!! Good to see you! :)

-Laura :)

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July 15, 2010

- Ann Coates

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Coates
Ann Coates's Gallery
  This is really cool Laura. I love all the busy background with your pretty face planted in the middle. The Judges liked it too, congrats.

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July 15, 2010


Karen Kessler
  Looks like you've been having fun, Sis! This is beautifully the colors, too!

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July 16, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Thank you VERY MUCH Ann and Kalena! I play HARD! :D

Thanks for sharing in the fun!


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July 16, 2010

- Laura L. Gonzales

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura L. Gonzales
Laura L. Gonzales's Gallery
  WOW Em, this is soooooooo cooooool!! I love it! A beautiful work of art, and a beautiful lady too!!! You are so creative! WTG girl!! Laura:))

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July 17, 2010

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Thank you Laura Lee! I need to get over to your gallery and see what's new and exciting. I have been gone for a week camping! Just got in!

You guys are so kind to me. Thank you all again so much!

-Laura Em :D

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August 13, 2010

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