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  27692 Questions
Last Activity
  photographing dogs
A co-worker of mine wants me to do some photos of her 2 dogs in an outdoor setting. I explained to her I would be willing to try but I am basically an outdoor and landscape or s...
March 05, 2012
  Capturing the Milky Way
I have seen a few images of the Milky Way and wanted to ask if anyone has captured images of it and what the do's & dont's are of capturing them in our digital box :) From what I gath...
January 31, 2012
  Best Lens for Barn-yard Shots
Which lens used on the 40D would mostly likely capture both indoor/outdoor shots of both dogs/cats/horses??? When out at the horse barn I'd just love to capture those moments when they are quie...
February 01, 2012
  How to view other photos
i have a basic membership and would like to view photos by others but I don't seem to know how to pick and view those photos. I can view my own but how do I view others so that I may leave a c...
January 29, 2012
  Photoshop & Plug-ins
Do you need Photoshop CS5 in order to use plug-ins? Or can they be used with the Elements version too? I have just purchased a Mac, now I have to re-invest in all of my software. I was tired of vi...
January 31, 2012
  Editing Software to Replace Picnik
I use Picnik to add textures and do some extras to photos. Picnik is closing as of April 19th. Does anyone know if they will use a different name or be absorbed by some other company. Also, if a...
January 25, 2012
  How to say thanks
Hi Im very new to this but am enjoying it, can someone tell how to say thanks when someone likes your photo etcRegardsCOlette...
January 26, 2012
  Please critique!!
I'm trying to learn how to combine separate images of people and landscapes. How can I improve this photo? There are currently 3 images: the street, the woman, and the snow. Does she need a sha...
February 08, 2012
  How do I price a photo for a travel book?
I've recently been asked if I would sell one of my images for a Travel Book. Of course the answer will be yes, but I'm not sure how to negotiate the selling price. I was not given any infor...
February 17, 2012
  Online backup service experiences?
Yes, I did actually do a search for this topic, expecting to find numerous threads already running, but the search found nothing, so…I’m something of a maven about backing up my work and curren...
February 03, 2012
  Potential oops
I think I may have made a mistake... I just uploaded a photo and entered it in the contest ("Bits & Bytes" in the Details & Macro category). Then I started a photo discussion and attached...
January 24, 2012
  Upload problems
I'm uploading pics of the same size as my previous uploads, but some are blank and some are postage-stamp size (not the same as my previous uploads). Is there a problem with the uploader?...
January 23, 2012
  colorizing in PSE
some time back on a PSE thread, someone told how to add a "spot of color" to a B/W image using the selection tools. I t was a fairly simple process and I thought I remembered how to do it but cant ...
January 23, 2012
  a question of ethics
A few years ago my wife and I attended a rennasiance festival and I took lots of shots of the people. At the time I did not have my part time photography business and did not get permission/approva...
January 21, 2012
I have noticed several photos with flying birds in the distance. Since the same birds appear in other photos, they must have been added. Is there a plug in or a template that can be downloaded to...
January 24, 2012
  downloading photos
I uploaded a picture to my website but somehow it got deleted from my hard drive on the computer... is there a way for me to download that image from my website to my hard drive so I can make a cha...
January 18, 2012
  Basic Portfolio Picture Description
Hello,I am new to BP...signed up just last month and still have some issues with my Basic Portfolio. Is it me or some BP tricks. I don't understand why my picture description is visible in the ...
January 20, 2012
  Contest Results?
I am fairly new to and just have not figured out how to see the results from December 2011. I put in a search and end up with ten year old results. Can anyone tell me how to see t...
January 18, 2012
  CP Filter / IR Filter on a UWA Lens?
I am a total novice when it comes to using an Ultra Wide Angle (UWA) lens in combination with Filters such as, Circular Polarizers/Infra Red, etc. I am planning to buy a B+W 77mm MRC Circular Pola...
January 20, 2012
  Black and White and Camera RAW
Hello BP Community. I shoot with a Canon 50D. I have my C1 function dial programed for Black and White (Monochrome). I shoot in RAW. After taking several images in Black and White, I downloaded ...
January 25, 2012