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  5656 Questions
Last Activity
  camera focus
Hi everyone. I think I have a focus problem with my camera or lenses. Most of my shots don't look crisp like I see a lot of shots online. How would I be able to check if I have (back or front ...
August 08, 2012
  Titles on Photos
For the past 2 months or so, I have been uploading photos with unique titles to my subject matter. Shortly after-say about 2 hours since my upload, I have come across the same title on a different...
August 03, 2012
  Outdoor Portrait, Fill Flash WB??
If I am taking someones portrait outdoors and use my flash, either on or off camera as fill flash, which WB would I set my camera to, i.e., flash, shade or even auto? Or does it even matter becaus...
July 29, 2012
  photo printing for professional photographers
Hi,I am in the process of starting a business. Can anyone recommend an excellent photo printing company for professionals? I have a tax ID and I am ready to go but would love to hear thoughts abo...
October 07, 2013
  Hand Held Shooting
I nearly always use a tripod.If I can't get an appropriate speed, I will raise my ISO, no higher than 400or open my aperatur---depending on DOF.I use mostly an 18-35mm lens. Sometimes I use my ...
July 16, 2012
  Sony Camera DSLR & Future
Hi all - I have been shooting with a Sony A850 for a while now and love it. I have several lenses for it and it is intuitive. however I am questioning now the longevity of the system. Sony does n...
July 16, 2012
  Video buffering
I taking the 4-Week Short Course: Adobe Lightroom: A Comprehensive Look Course and the video is always buffering every few seconds. This is very annoying. My system is a HP Windows 7. The computer ...
July 09, 2012
  A way to CENTER everything on website?
Is there any way to make everything fall in the center on my website? It really bugs me to have everything shifted to the left of my screen. Surely there is a way, I just can't figure it out....
July 09, 2012
  Entering contest from Deluxe site?
I have been a member here for over 10 years. Last year I decided to purchase a Deluxe site. I didn't keep my Basic site since I had already paid for the Deluxe one. I don't see an easy w...
July 10, 2012
  Photography in Paris
Hi, I am travelling to Paris on business July 19. I will have a few days free on the weekend. While I am there, I would very much like to take a photo tour (particularly one at night). I see them a...
July 09, 2012
  Internet videos in Lesons
My internet provier, Verizon, is a 3-G internet hotpot creted here at home. They say that 4-G will not arrive until th end of 2012, if even then.My current broadband test with CNET ws just complet...
July 03, 2012
  Insurance and Contracts
What kind of insurance do you have when you have a small out of home photo business. What is the best to get? And do you always use a contract even if it is a short little event of an hour? Thanks...
July 03, 2012
  Canon 7D firmware udpate coming August
FYI... some nice updates coming, supposedly sometime in August. Alas, doesn't appear they've added 5-shot auto bracketing.
June 29, 2012
  What is the incidence of flipped, reversed images?
How often does it happen that photos get reversed, flipped from right to left, in traditional photography? I mean by accident, not on purpose. And I mean within the realm of professional photograph...
June 26, 2012
  Model Releases
I asked this question under another thread but never got an answer. I think that thread was dead. So here goes again!Do you need releases for "crowd" photos? Do you need specific releases from a ...
June 22, 2012
  Action Bird Photography
I have a growing interest in backyard bird photography. I have had success with still bird photography, but would like to take it to the next level to photograph birds in action. Specifically, I w...
June 22, 2012
  New Class on Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Hi Everyone,Just a note that we have posted a new course by pro instructor Ibarionex Perello:
June 17, 2012
  May 2012 Countdown Thread
How on earth has half the year escaped already? Here we are, the middle of June and time to wait for the judge's results. It's super HOT here in the South, so I'm grabbing something c...
June 20, 2012
  RAW Converters
I photograph in raw, and use Adobe's raw converter to import into PSE, where I manipulate the images. I also have Nikon View NX2 that I sometimes use for batch conversion. I have played around ...
June 13, 2012
  Canon 400mm F4 DO lens
Hi AllI am now using a Canon 7D and I like to shoot wildlife, for which I am using a Canon100-400 F4.5-5.6 L USM IS lens. But I find the performance is not good enough in low light( shooting at daw...
June 22, 2012